
Gemstone necklaces

A couple of weeks ago, just before school started, we went down to my parents’ holiday house for a few days. I always try to take a few beading bits and bobs when we head down there and try to make something in the evenings.

So this time around, I made two necklaces. It’s not an uncommon design, in fact if you look on Etsy, there are loads of similar necklaces. But I think they are simple, elegant necklaces that work well with both casual and dressier outfits.

The first one is made with watermelon tourmaline beads. They’re tiny, about 4mm across. I strung them onto a piece of silver wire and hung it from a fine silver chain so it would just sit at the front of the collarbone. I love the colours in watermelon tourmaline, it ranges from the darkest green through yellow, peachy pinks and then to deep pink.

I took a photo with a macro lens (on my iphone!!!) so you can see how lovely these tiny beads are!

The other necklace is made with labrodorite, a gemstone which at first glance is grey, and then you notice the flashes of blue that appear as it catches the light. Like the tourmaline necklace the tiny stones—these ones about 5mm across—are strung on silver wire and then hung on a silver chain.

Here are the labrodorite beads close up. You can see the flashes of blue against the grainy grey.

I’ve got a few beads left over so I’ll probably make some earrings to go with the two necklaces. Something delicate and sparkly to match the necklaces perhaps.

Anyway, one of these is for me, one is probably going to go to a very good friend of mine. But I haven’t yet decided which one for which…


Back to school

It’s that time of the year here in Australia, and this year I have three kids in various states of new. Ella, the veteran, is starting her second year of primary school. Poppy is mega-excited about starting prep, the first year of formal schooling here in Victoria. And Jack starts 3 days a week in creche this week.

He’s the one I’m most worried about. Such a mama’s boy, it’ll be good for him in the end I think. But it’s so hard to hear him wanting his mama, when we had an orientation session last week. Poor little guy.

But the flip side is that I will get a chance to work, something I haven’t done too much of in the last 2 years. I’m looking forward to it, and dreading it too. Too much time off has not really been great for me. It’s such a personal thing — the decision to work when one has small children. And I’m certainly not working for the money, child care will gobble up most of that. Don’t get me started there!

In the meantime, I’m hoping to find some moments to cook and to create. This last week has mostly been about finding a new routine, and that’s going to continue for the next week or two. But I managed to find some time to make some more gemstone necklaces last weekend when we were away. I’m just waiting for some new clasps, as the ones I have are a bit large for the petite chain. When I have them, I’ll post a picture or two, promise!