Beads, Blog Hops and Challenges, Swaps and exchanges

Bead Soup Reveal Delayed

The recent ill health of Lori Anderson, creator of the Bead Soup Blog Party, has led to the second and third reveal dates being postponed for by a week. So yesterday the second reveal group unveiled their creations. My group—the third and final reveal group—will now post our blogs next Saturday 20th April.

I’m quite happy with the delay though, as I only got home from 2 weeks holidays last night and could definitely use the time to refine my photos and my blog post, and maybe even make another piece. So, if you haven’t already, and you have a spare day or three(!), go and have a look at the talent from the first and second reveals.

In the meantime, here are a couple of holiday snaps for you! And I’ll see you back here next week …

holiday snaps 2
Rottnest Island April 2013

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